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Musika wekambani, kushandiswa kwemabhiza nhasi

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Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mutengo wemari yakaitika mu 2019

Stock priceHellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mu Euro chati mu 2019. Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. kukosha kwenhoroondo mu Euro mu 2019.
Wedzera kune zvakasarudzwa
Yakawedzerwa kumajairika

Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. exchange exchanges mu Euro historical price, chati nokuti 2019

Isu tinochengeta nhoroondo yemutengo weese mastock quotes gore rega rega. Iwe unogona kutsvaga nhoroondo yemitengo yemitengo ye Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mu Euro pano pagore rega rega uye kwenguva yakati siyanei. Nhoroondo yese ye Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mutengo wemasheya mu Euro kwegore rega rega. Nhoroondo yemutengo wemasheya we Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mu Euro kubva 2014 kusvika 2024 inowanikwa pane ino peji. Nhoroondo yemutengo wemasheya we Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mu Euro kubva 2014 kusvika 2024 kwegore rega rega.

Nhaurwa dzezvikamu zveHellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. pa 2019 dzakashandurwa kusvika ku +310.99%. Mutengo wakaderera wezvikamu zveHellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. pa 2019 waiva 0.091 Euro. Inonyanya kukosha yezvikamu zveFORTH.AT pa 2019 yaiva 0.5 Euro.


Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. Euro kukosha kwenhoroondo

Pane girafu yenhoroondo yemutengo wemari yekutengesa ye Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mu Euro, iwe unogona kuona nhoroondo refu yekuchinja mukukosha kweiyo quote. Nhoroondo ye Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. pane chati iri pane yedu webhusaiti. Girafu yemahara yenhoroondo yemitengo yemitengo ye Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mu Euro pagore rapfuura. Unogona kuwana chaicho Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. chiyero pane chati kana iwe ukafamba pamusoro pezuva rakasarudzwa. Tungamira pane chati uye wona chaiyo Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. quote stock mu Euro yegore rakasarudzwa.

Zuva Mutengo
Zvita 2019 Kubva 0.37 Kuti 0.44 EUR
Mbudzi 2019 Kubva 0.36 Kuti 0.5 EUR
Gumiguru 2019 Kubva 0.31 Kuti 0.44 EUR
Gunyana 2019 Kubva 0.27 Kuti 0.47 EUR
Nyamavhuvhu 2019 Kubva 0.33 Kuti 0.39 EUR
Chikunguru 2019 Kubva 0.19 Kuti 0.31 EUR
Chikumi 2019 Kubva 0.13 Kuti 0.19 EUR
Chivabvu 2019 Kubva 0.13 Kuti 0.15 EUR
Kubvumbi 2019 Kubva 0.13 Kuti 0.19 EUR
Kurume 2019 Kubva 0.13 Kuti 0.16 EUR
Kukadzi 2019 Kubva 0.091 Kuti 0.16 EUR
Ndira 2019 Kubva 0.091 Kuti 0.12 EUR

Mari yezvikamu Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A.

Mari Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A.

Nhoroondo ye Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mutengo wemasheya mu Euro inowanikwa patafura yegore rega rega kubva muna 2014. Iyi mitengo yezvitoro ye Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mu Euro mutafura yegore rega rega ndeye mahara pano. Nhoroondo yemutengo wemari mutafura: Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mu Euro inowanikwa gore rega: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020. Monthly quotes dze Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mukati Euro, iwe unogona kuona kana iwe ukacheka pane yekubatanidza yegore mune yefurafura renhoroondo yegore. Iwe unogona kuona mutengo wemasheya we Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mu Euro pagore uye yemwedzi wega wega. Dzvanya pane chinongedzo chegore.

Shanduko mumitengo yemitokisi ye Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mu Euro yenguva yakareba inoonekwa zvakajeka pane ino peji yenhoroondo yemutengo wekugovera wekambani . Fungidzira kuti yakawanda sei quote yemari yashandurwa kupfuura gore, makore maviri kana mashanu. Ona chati yedzokororo kwenguva yakareba. Izvo zverefu-refu zvinosimba zve Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mu Euro pamusoro pemakore gumi zvinogoneka kufungidzira pane ino peji. Mune yedu database iwe unogona kuona nhoroondo yeiyo chero quote yemari mune chero mari kupfuura makore apfuura.

Nhoroondo yepamhepo yemitengo yeiyo imwe stock quote mune chero mari yemakore ese ari pano. Iyo yemahara nhoroondo yemakotesheni ezvese masitosheni emakore mashanu apfuura muchikamu chino chewebsite Masheya emitengo ye Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mu Euro kubva 2014 kusvika 2024 inoratidzwa pano. Nhoroondo ye Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. mutengo wegore roga roga rakasarudzwa rinowanikwa mahara kana iwe ukacheka pane chinongedzo chegore mune iyo tafura nhoroondo tafura.