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Musika wekambani, kushandiswa kwemabhiza nhasi

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Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited mutengo wemari yakaitika mu 2004

Stock priceLloyds Metals and Energy Limited mu Indian Rupee chati mu 2004. Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited kukosha kwenhoroondo mu Indian Rupee mu 2004.
Wedzera kune zvakasarudzwa
Yakawedzerwa kumajairika

Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited exchange exchanges mu Indian Rupee historical price, chati nokuti 2004

A database yematengo ese emitengo yemakore ese online. Nhoroondo yekutenga kwemitengo online kune chero gore iri pano. Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited nhoroondo yezve chero zuva. Makotesheni ese e Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited mu Indian Rupee kubva 2014 kusvika 2024 ari pano. Database remahara re Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited mutengo wemasheya mu Indian Rupee kubva 2014 kusvika 2024 online izvozvi.

Nhaurwa dzezvikamu zveLloyds Metals and Energy Limited pa 2004 dzakashandurwa kusvika ku +348.51%. Mutengo wakaderera wezvikamu zveLloyds Metals and Energy Limited pa 2004 waiva 0.44 Indian Rupee. Inonyanya kukosha yezvikamu zveLLOYDSME.BO pa 2004 yaiva 3.8 Indian Rupee.


Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited Indian Rupee kukosha kwenhoroondo

Iyo grafiki yenhoroondo ye Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited mutengo wemasheya mu Indian Rupee inoratidza zvese zvataurwa mumakore mashanu apfuura. Nhoroondo yemutengo wechitoro pane iyo graph yemakore mashanu pane webhusaiti Girafu yemahara yenhoroondo yemitengo yemitengo ye Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited mu Indian Rupee pagore rapfuura. Unogona kuwana chaicho Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited chiyero pane chati kana iwe ukafamba pamusoro pezuva rakasarudzwa. Tungamira pane chati uye wona chaiyo Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited quote stock mu Indian Rupee yegore rakasarudzwa.

Zuva Mutengo
Zvita 2004 Kubva 3.01 Kuti 3.01 INR
Mbudzi 2004 Kubva 3.58 Kuti 3.58 INR
Gumiguru 2004 Kubva 3.8 Kuti 3.8 INR
Gunyana 2004 Kubva 2.96 Kuti 2.96 INR
Nyamavhuvhu 2004 Kubva 1.68 Kuti 1.68 INR
Chikunguru 2004 Kubva 0.89 Kuti 0.89 INR
Chikumi 2004 Kubva 0.61 Kuti 0.61 INR
Chivabvu 2004 Kubva 0.44 Kuti 0.44 INR
Kubvumbi 2004 Kubva 0.68 Kuti 0.68 INR
Kurume 2004 Kubva 0.75 Kuti 0.75 INR
Kukadzi 2004 Kubva 0.84 Kuti 0.84 INR
Ndira 2004 Kubva 0.67 Kuti 0.67 INR

Mari yezvikamu Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited

Mari Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited

Nhoroondo yemutengo wemasheya we Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited mu Indian Rupee iri patafura yegore rega rega. Iyi mitengo yezvitoro ye Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited mu Indian Rupee mutafura yegore rega rega ndeye mahara pano. Tafura yepamhepo yeiyo nhoroondo yezvirevo zve Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited mumatura mu Indian Rupee yegore rega rega kubvira 2014 rakagadzirwa pane ino peji. Monthly quotes dze Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited mukati Indian Rupee, iwe unogona kuona kana iwe ukacheka pane yekubatanidza yegore mune yefurafura renhoroondo yegore. Kuti uone Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited makotesheni mu Indian Rupee ye 2004 yemwedzi wega wega, zvera pa link 2004 patafura yemakore.

Shanduko mumutengo wemasheya pamusoro penguva yakareba inooneka zvakajeka pane peji redu pane nhoroondo yemitengo yemasheya. Iko kusimuka uye kudonha kwe Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited mumatura mu Indian Rupee kubvira 2014. Kuwedzera uye kuderera kwe Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited mutengo wekugovera masheya mu Indian Rupee gore rega rega kwe: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, makore 2020. Kune yedu saiti kune nhoroondo yemitengo yeese masiteki emari mune chero mari.

Sarudza imwe dudziro yemasheya panzvimbo ye Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited kuti uwane nhoroondo yemutengo wayo mu Indian Rupee. Nhoroondo yepamhepo yemitengo yeiyo imwe stock quote mune chero mari yemakore ese ari pano. Zvitoro zvemastock munguva yakapfuura, kwegore rega rega. Nhoroondo ye Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited mutengo wegore roga roga rakasarudzwa rinowanikwa mahara kana iwe ukacheka pane chinongedzo chegore mune iyo tafura nhoroondo tafura.