Musika wekambani, kushandiswa kwemabhiza nhasi
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Musika wekambani, kushandiswa kwemabhiza nhasi

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Mari yezvikamu Mulpha International Bhd

Nhengo dzeMulpha International Bhd nhasi, mutengo we3905.KL iri paIndaneti ikozvino, inowanidza mitengo yeMulpha International Bhd.
Wedzera kune zvakasarudzwa
Yakawedzerwa kumajairika
3905.KL = 2.45 Malaysin Ringgit
+0.01 MYR (+0.41%)
Mutengo wemari inoshanduka kubvira zuro

Inotaridza mutengo wekupedzisira wemitengo ye Mulpha International Bhd mu Malaysin Ringgit. Mutengo wemasheya kubva kune zvakasimbiswa zvinyorwa. Mutengo wekutengesa Quote 1 stock of Mulpha International Bhd ikozvino 2.45 stock of Malaysin Ringgit. Mulpha International Bhd mutengo wemasheya wakakwira mu Malaysin Ringgit. I Mulpha International Bhd mwero wakakwira uchienzaniswa ne Malaysin Ringgit ne 41 mazana emakumi muzana muzana.


Mulpha International Bhd inyanzvi yekambani inayo Malaysin Ringgit

Vhiki rapfuura, Mulpha International Bhd inogona kuchinjaniswa 2.44 Malaysin Ringgit. Gore rapfuura, Mulpha International Bhd inogona kutengwa ye 2.45 stock ye Malaysin Ringgit. Makore matatu apfuura, Mulpha International Bhd inogona kutengeswa ye 1.80 Malaysin Ringgit yeUkraine. Mulpha International Bhd mutengo wemasheya mu Malaysin Ringgit yakakodzera kuona pane chati. Muvhiki rese, Mulpha International Bhd mu Malaysin Ringgit mutengo wemasheya wakachinjwa ne 0.41%. 0% pamwedzi - shanduko mumutengo wemasheya we Mulpha International Bhd.

Vhiki Mwedzi 3 months Gore 3 years

Stock quotes Mulpha International Bhd Malaysin Ringgit

3905.KL Kuti Malaysin Ringgit (MYR)
1 3905.KL 2.45 Malaysin Ringgit
5 3905.KL 12.25 Malaysin Ringgit
10 3905.KL 24.50 Malaysin Ringgit
25 3905.KL 61.25 Malaysin Ringgit
50 3905.KL 122.50 Malaysin Ringgit
100 3905.KL 245 Malaysin Ringgit
250 3905.KL 612.50 Malaysin Ringgit
500 3905.KL 1 225 Malaysin Ringgit

Unogona kuchinjana 10 stock of Mulpha International Bhd ye 24.50 Malaysin Ringgit. Stock Quote converter nhasi ye 25 stock of Mulpha International Bhd inopa 61.25 Malaysin Ringgit. Unogona kuchinjana 50 stock of Mulpha International Bhd ye 122.50 Malaysin Ringgit. Kana iwe uine 245 Malaysin Ringgit, ipapo mu Marazhiya vanogona kutengeswa kwe 100 stock of Mulpha International Bhd. Nhasi, 250 stock of Mulpha International Bhd inogona kutengwa 612.50 Malaysin Ringgit. Nhasi 1 225 MYR = 500 stock ye 3905.KL.

3905.KL mutengo wemari yakaitika

Zuva Mutengo Chinja
03/05/2023 2.45 MYR -
02/05/2023 2.45 MYR 0.01 ↑
28/04/2023 2.44 MYR 0.01 ↑
27/04/2023 2.43 MYR -0.01 ↓
26/04/2023 2.44 MYR -

Nhasi 2.45 MYR = 500 stock ye 3905.KL. Mulpha International Bhd mu Malaysin Ringgit pa 2 Chivabvu 2023 yakaenzana ne 2.45 Malaysin Ringgit. 28 Kubvumbi 2023, 1 stock ye Mulpha International Bhd inodhura 2.44 Malaysin Ringgit. Mulpha International Bhd mu Malaysin Ringgit pa 27 Kubvumbi 2023 yakaenzana ne 2.43 Malaysin Ringgit. 26 Kubvumbi 2023, 1 stock ye Mulpha International Bhd = 2.44 Malaysin Ringgit.

Mulpha International Bhd

Chimwe chikamu cheMulpha International Bhd nhasi chinomira pa 2.45 RM. Mutengo we3905.KL wehove washanduka kusvika +0.41% kana +0.01 MYR kubvira musi wekupedzisira wekutengesa. Iwe unogona kutenga zvikamu zana zveMulpha International Bhd zve 245 Malaysin Ringgit kana kutengesa 50 mazana e3905.KL ye 122.50 Malaysin Ringgit.

Mari yezvikamu Mulpha International Bhd

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